Full Mouth Replacement

Dental implants can be used for full mouth replacement of all missing teeth. More than 35 million Americans have lost all of their natural teeth. If you have lost all of your teeth or are on the verge of losing your teeth, rest assured you are not alone. Mouth dental implants could be the best option for you.

Studies also show that approximately 90% of the people with no teeth have dentures. While dentures are the most popular option for full mouth replacement in Dallas, Texas, partial and full mouth dental implants offer yet another option. By using these small titanium posts, dental implants can be strategically positioned to replace a few of the missing teeth. Once a few dental implants have been placed, full mouth replacement of all of the missing teeth can be made to be connected to and supported by the partial or full mouth dental implants.

This option allows for full mouth replacement of missing teeth that do not come out of the mouth. The new teeth, connected to the dental implants, replace your original teeth. Since these teeth will be custom fabricated with collaboration from you and our prosthodontist team at Pro Dental Dallas, the new teeth can be designed with the perfect smile in mind. Your original teeth may have been rotated, crooked, or discolored, but your new teeth can be made straight, bright, white, and natural. Call or click below to schedule a consultation with your dentist to see if this dental implant procedure option is for you. We also will go over a great treatment plan with you.

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